Home » Why Does My Tattoo Look Wrinkly? (+ How to Deal With It)

Why Does My Tattoo Look Wrinkly? (+ How to Deal With It)

Tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years due to a combination of factors, including greater social acceptance, advances in tattoo technology, and their ability to serve as a form of self-expression. It is not surprising to find individuals with a couple of tattoos inked on their bodies – not at all.

However, tattoos still have a mystery behind them, with many questions still to be answered. And one among them is the wrinkly tattoos.

If you have a tattoo, you may have noticed that it can sometimes appear wrinkly, especially as you get older. It can be frustrating and unsightly, but don’t worry – there are steps you can take to prevent and treat wrinkly tattoos.

Here, we will explore why tattoos can look wrinkly and provide tips for keeping your tattoo smooth and vibrant. Whether you’re dealing with a new or an older one, we have the information you need to keep your tattoo looking its best.

What Are Wrinkly Tattoos?

What are Wrinkly Tattoos?
Image Source: reddit

Wrinkly tattoos are tattoos that have lost their smooth, even appearance and have instead become wrinkled or creased. It can happen for many reasons, including natural aging, improper aftercare, and underlying skin conditions.

Wrinkly tattoos can be frustrating and unsightly, but they can be improved with the proper care and treatment. So, without further ado, let’s explore more about them.

What is the Reason Behind a Tattoo Looking Wrinkly?

What is the Reason Behind a Tattoo Looking Wrinkly?
Image Source: quora

A tattoo that looks wrinkly will have lost its smooth, even appearance and will instead have wrinkles or creases. These wrinkles may be small and subtle, or they may be prominent and noticeable. The tattoo may also appear stretched or distorted in areas with wrinkles.

A tattoo can look wrinkly for a number of reasons. So, let’s look at the reason behind the same.

1. Natural Aging Process

One common cause is the natural aging process, which can cause the skin to lose elasticity and collagen. As the skin ages, it becomes less able to stretch and bounce back, which can cause the tattoo to appear wrinkled or saggy.

2. Improper Aftercare

Improper aftercare can also cause a tattoo to look wrinkly. For example, suppose the tattoo is not properly moisturized. In that case, the skin can become dry and tight, which can cause the tattoo to appear wrinkled. Exposing the tattoo to direct sunlight or other UV light sources can also cause the tattoo to fade and become wrinkled.

3. The Individual has an Underlying Skin Condition

Another cause of wrinkly tattoos is underlying skin conditions. For example, people with conditions such as eczema and psoriasis may be more likely to develop wrinkly tattoos due to the dryness and irritation of the skin. It can cause the skin to become dry and flaky, which can cause the tattoo to appear wrinkled.

4. Improper Inking Process

In some cases, tattoos may also appear wrinkly due to the tattoo artist’s technique. For example, suppose the tattoo artist uses too much ink or applies too profoundly to the skin. In that case, the tattoo may appear wrinkled as it heals.

Additionally, suppose the tattoo artist does not adequately prepare the skin before applying the tattoo. In that case, the tattoo may appear wrinkled due to the skin’s natural elasticity.

Overall, there are several reasons why a tattoo may look wrinkly, including natural aging, improper aftercare, underlying skin conditions, and the tattoo artist’s technique. If you want to prevent the tattoo from wrinkling, it is essential to follow proper aftercare instructions and keep the tattoo moisturized.

If you already have a wrinkly tattoo, consult a dermatologist or artist to determine the best course of treatment.

How Long Does a Wrinkled Tattoo Last?

How Long Does a Wrinkled Tattoo Last?
Image Source: tattooprofy

The length of time that wrinkled tattoo skin will last depends on several factors, including the cause of the wrinkles, the age of the tattoo, and the type of treatment used. However, wrinkled tattoo skin can last for a significant period if it is not treated.

1. Tattoo Wrinkle is Due to the Natural Aging

If the natural aging process causes wrinkles, they may last as long as the tattoo itself. As the skin ages, it loses elasticity and collagen, which can cause the tattoo to appear wrinkled or saggy. In this case, the wrinkles may become more pronounced over time and not go away without treatment.

2. Due to Improper Aftercare

If the wrinkles are caused by improper aftercare, they may also last for a significant time. For example, if the tattoo is not properly moisturized, the skin can become dry and tight, which can cause the tattoo to appear wrinkled.

In this case, the wrinkles may improve with proper moisturization, but they may not completely disappear without treatment.

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3. Skin Conditions

Underlying skin conditions can also cause wrinkled tattoo skin to last for a long time. For example, people with conditions such as eczema and psoriasis may be more likely to develop wrinkly tattoos due to the dryness and irritation of the skin.

In this case, the wrinkles may improve with treatment for the underlying skin condition. Still, they may not go away entirely without additional treatment specifically for the tattoo.

4. The Age of the Tattoo

The age of the tattoo can also affect how long wrinkled tattoo skin will last. Older tattoos are more likely to appear wrinkled than newer ones, as the skin has had more time to lose elasticity and collagen. In this case, the wrinkles may be more severe and will not go away without treatment.

Overall, the length of time that wrinkled tattoo skin will last depends on the underlying cause of the wrinkles, the age of the tattoo, and the type of treatment that is used. In most cases, wrinkled tattoo skin can last for a significant period if it is not treated.

Dermatologists and tattoo artists can determine how to best treat wrinkled tattoos to improve their appearance. By doing so, wrinkles can be reduced, and the tattoo’s overall appearance can be improved.

5. Looking After the Wrinkled Tattoo

If you have a wrinkled tattoo, there are several steps you can take to improve its appearance and prevent further wrinkles from forming. The first step is to consult a dermatologist or tattoo artist to determine the underlying cause of the wrinkles and the best course of treatment.

Once the cause of the wrinkles has been determined, you can take the following steps to look after your wrinkled tattoo:

5. Moisturize the Tattoo Regularly

Keeping the tattoo moisturized helps improve its elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Use a gentle, unscented lotion to moisturize the tattoo twice a day. Avoid using products that contain alcohol or fragrances, as these can irritate the skin and worsen wrinkles.

6. Avoid Exposing the Tattoo to Direct Sunlight or Other Sources of UV Light

UV light can cause the tattoo to fade and wrinkle, so avoiding exposure to direct sunlight or other UV light sources is essential. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the tattoo outside, and avoid tanning beds and other sources of artificial UV light.

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7. Avoid Activities That Can Cause the Tattoo to Rub or Stretch

Certain activities can cause the tattoo to rub or stretch, which can worsen the appearance of wrinkles. Avoid activities that can cause the tattoo to rub against clothing, such as wearing tight-fitting clothes or participating in contact sports.

Additionally, avoid activities that can cause the tattoo to stretch, such as lifting heavy weights or engaging in sudden, jerky movements.

Follow Your Dermatologist or Tattoo Artist’s Treatment Plan

Follow Your Dermatologist or Tattoo Artist's Treatment Plan
Image Source: healthline

If you have been prescribed medication or other treatments to improve your wrinkled tattoo’s appearance, follow your dermatologist or tattoo artist’s instructions carefully. It can help improve the tattoo’s appearance and prevent further wrinkles from forming.

1. Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help improve your skin’s overall health, which can, in turn, enhance the appearance of your tattoo. Choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed, sugary, or fried foods, as these can worsen the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water might be a bit of standard advice that many have listened to many times. Still, it also keeps the skin hydrated, improving its elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Eight 8-ounce glasses daily are the way to go. You must also avoid caffeine and alcohol, as these can dehydrate the skin.

3. Use a Humidifier

Dry air can cause the skin to become dry and tight, which can worsen the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this, consider installing a humidifier in your home (or even your office space) to add moisture to the air. It will go a long way in keeping your skin hydrated and improving the appearance of your tattoo.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking can cause the skin to age prematurely and become wrinkled, so it is best to avoid smoking if you have a wrinkled tattoo. If you smoke, consider quitting to improve your skin’s overall health and reduce wrinkles’ appearance.

Overall, looking after a wrinkled tattoo involves moisturizing the tattoo regularly, avoiding exposure to UV light, avoiding activities that can cause the tattoo to rub or stretch, and following your dermatologist or tattoo artist’s treatment plan. By following these steps, you can help improve your wrinkled tattoo’s appearance and prevent further wrinkles from forming.

Treatment Options for Wrinkly Tattoos

Treatment Options for Wrinkly Tattoos
Image Source: beauty.onehowto

If you have a wrinkly tattoo, several treatment options are available to improve its appearance and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The best treatment option for you is dependent on the underlying cause behind the wrinkles, the age of the tattoo, and your overall health. Some standard treatment options for wrinkly tattoos include:

1. Topical Creams

Topical creams can help moisturize the skin and improve its elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles in the tattoo. Common ingredients in topical creams for wrinkly tattoos include hyaluronic acid, retinoids, and vitamin C. These ingredients can help to stimulate the production of collagen and improve the overall appearance of the tattoo.

2. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy can be used to target specific areas of the tattoo and stimulate the production of collagen, which can improve the appearance of wrinkles. Laser therapy can also help to fade the tattoo and improve its overall appearance. The treatments required will depend on the tattoo’s age and the severity of the wrinkles.

3. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive treatment that uses fine crystals to exfoliate the skin and improve its appearance. This treatment can help to smooth out wrinkles in the tattoo and improve its overall appearance. It is crucial to note that the age of the tattoo and the severity of the wrinkles also play a key role here.

4. Chemical Peels

One can use a chemical solution to exfoliate the skin, which will ultimately result in an improvement in its appearance. This treatment can help to smooth out wrinkles in the tattoo and improve its overall appearance.

As one can see, several treatment options are available for wrinkly tattoos. The best way to determine the right treatment option to go for is to consult with a dermatologist or tattoo artist. They can help assess the cause of the wrinkles and recommend the most appropriate treatment based on your needs.


In conclusion, a tattoo can look wrinkly for a number of reasons, including natural aging, improper aftercare, and underlying skin conditions. Keep the tattoo moisturized and follow proper aftercare instructions to avoid it looking wrinkly.

If you already have a wrinkly tattoo, consult a dermatologist or artist to determine the best course of treatment. By taking these steps, you can help improve your tattoo’s appearance and keep it looking smooth and vibrant.

About Author

Jonathan Corby "Jonny" is a guy who is passionate about Tattooing and successfully running a Tattoo Studio in NY. Through my journey as a Tattoo Artist I have made unforgettable memories. This irrational poetry and sense of freedom of art on skin has given a blissfull experience to my life. Each Tattoo has a story behind it; Lets share one!